Real Math Science Quiz In Python With Source Code

The Math Science Quiz in Python is a straightforward project aimed at enhancing IQ levels. It includes only the user interface, where users can initiate the quiz by clicking on the start button. Additionally, users can select the difficulty level (easy, medium, hard) they prefer to tackle. Questions related to mathematics and science will be displayed, and users earn points for each correct answer.

Real Math Science Quiz In Python With Source Code

System Overview: The project comprises Python scripts (e.g., ""), focusing solely on the user's interaction. Users begin by clicking the start button and then selecting the field they wish to play in. Subsequently, questions related to math and science are presented, and users score points for correct answers. The project's design prioritizes simplicity to ensure a user-friendly experience.


Running the Project: To run the project, Python must be installed on your PC. After downloading the project, follow these steps:

Step 1: Extract/Unzip the file. Step 2: Navigate to the project folder, open the command prompt, and type "" then press enter to start the system.


Step 2: Simply double-click the "" file to launch the system.

Math Science Quiz In Python With Source Code

Note: This Math Science Quiz in Python, along with its source code, is available for free download and is intended for educational purposes only. For a demonstration of the project, refer to the provided video.                                                                    

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