How do I add a sitemap to my Blogger blog?

Congratulations on launching your Blogger blog! Now that your digital canvas is primed for creativity, it's time to ensure smooth navigation for both your visitors and search engines. One essential tool in your arsenal? .

A sitemap is a virtual roadmap that guides both humans and bots through the labyrinth of your content. Fear not, for adding a sitemap to your Blogger blog is as simple as a few clicks and keystrokes. Let's embark on this journey together, shall we?

What is a sitemap?

What is a sitemap?

Think of a sitemap as the roadmap to your website's soul. It's a structured list of all the pages on your site, designed to guide both search engines and visitors through its labyrinthine corridors with ease. From the homepage to the deepest nooks and crannies of your content, a sitemap ensures nothing gets lost in the digital wilderness.

Why You Need a Sitemap

Picture this: You've poured your heart and soul into crafting the perfect website, but alas, it's like a hidden treasure chest buried beneath layers of virtual sediment. Without a sitemap, search engine crawlers may struggle to unearth your gems, relegating your site to the murky depths of obscurity. But fear not, intrepid adventurer, for a sitemap acts as a treasure map, leading search engines straight to your digital bounty.

How to Create a Sitemap

How to Create a Sitemap

How to Create a Sitemap


setting tab




TYPE to this query 
blogger xml sitemap AND open first website as shown in the screen shot.

TYPE to this query blogger xml sitemap AND open first website as shown in the screen shot.

Enter your blog url

Enter your blog url

generate xml sitemap 

generate xml sitemap

XML Sitemap The XML sitemap for your blog is ready

XML Sitemap The XML sitemap for your blog is ready

# Blogger Sitemap created on Thu, 22 Feb 2024 11:12:24 GMT
# Sitemap built with

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /


COPY above code and paste into blogger setting tab and click Crawlers and indexing

COPY above code and paste into blogger setting tab and click Crawlers and indexing

after that click on Custom robots.txt and paste the code and save he file 

after that click on Custom robots.txt and paste the code and save he file

Now that you understand the importance of sitemaps, let's embark on a journey to create one for your website. Fear not, for this quest requires no magical incantations or secret handshakes—just a few simple steps:

  1. Evaluate Your Website Structure: Take stock of your website's architecture, mapping out its hierarchy of pages like a cartographer charting uncharted territory.

  2. Choose Your Sitemap Format: Will you opt for an XML sitemap, the preferred language of search engine crawlers, or an HTML sitemap, designed with human visitors in mind? The choice is yours, brave trailblazer.

  3. Harness the Power of Tools: From online sitemap generators to plugins for popular CMS platforms, a plethora of tools stand ready to assist you on your quest. Choose wisely, for the right tool can mean the difference between triumph and defeat.

  4. Submit Your Sitemap to Search Engines: Once your sitemap is ready, it's time to alert the guardians of the digital realm—search engines like Google and Bing. Submitting your sitemap ensures they're aware of every corner of your domain, ready to index it for eager searchers to discover.

The Benefits of Sitemaps

But wait, there's more! Beyond aiding search engine crawlers in their quest to index your site, sitemaps offer a wealth of additional benefits:

  • Improved Navigation: For human visitors, a sitemap provides a handy roadmap, allowing them to navigate your site with ease and efficiency.

  • Enhanced SEO: By ensuring all your pages are indexed, sitemaps boost your site's visibility in search engine results, potentially leading to higher rankings and increased traffic.

  • Insightful Analytics: Analysing your sitemap can provide valuable insights into your site's performance, helping you identify areas for improvement and optimisation.

In conclusion, fellow digital pioneers, the humble sitemap may seem like a mere cartographic curiosity in the vast expanse of the internet, but make no mistake: its power to guide, index, and elevate your website is nothing short of transformative. So heed its call, embrace its guidance, and watch as your digital kingdom rises to new heights of prominence and acclaim.

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